Victim can come to the first division as well 🙂īut you can’t really blame anyone, it is so hard to organize a tournament for 300+ people, and when everyone has to rank theirselves etc, it becomes kind of messy.ĥ.
His aim is extraordinary and as soon as he really starts to learn how to play duel he will be very good. I played him many times in CPMA and I am pretty sure he will be top contender. I mean, he is currently #1 on the Warsow 1on1 ladder. What do you think about the rest of the divisions,Predictions to them?Anyone that deserved to be on Div1? I hope the two best players of this tournament will meet in the final so that the final is gonna be the best game in the whole tournament, like it should be. Regarding the question above,you fear no one,but was there someone that you don´t want to face until the final for example? What is your Main Goal to this Cup?(Stupid Question) I think most of the people fear me when I play an official match against them. I really don’t know many of the players competing in this tournament, except a few like tom, ddk, Xhep, infamous, etc. You got two “easy” wins on the Group stage,what player do you fear to meet in playoffs,and why? I would be just in favor for more knockback with or either weak or strong rockets. The rocket have hardly any knockback now, like Q2, but I’d really like to see some cool and hectic rocket fights where people fly all over the place (not to be taken too litterally). Riotgun with strong ammo is pretty powerful, and also quite important on maps like wtest3 for example. The plasmagun is fine, it’s pretty useable on some maps. Then there’s the grenade launcher which kinda feels weird, I don’t really know what to say of it. Although the reduction of strong/weak ammo was a good gameplay decision as well, I would really like to see the EB damage reduced (not only in this game, I hate the rail in q4 too). That is why I am in heavy favor of reducing theĮB damage to a lower value, something like 80. It’s much easier nowadays to hit a rail than it was 8 years ago. Nowadays we have top mice, top mousepads, really fast computers, lan pings, max fps. I mean, 8 years ago we used ball mice, we had 100ms pings, we had crappy mousemats, we had crappy computers, etc.

Yet we are still using it for a 100 damage gun. We are 8 years after the introduction of the railgun (strong eb = rail), There are many things I’d like to see changed, thought, starting off with the EB. Some call Quake 3 the perfect game, some call Quakeworld the perfect game, some call UT the perfect game, whatever.

There never will be a perfect game, also for the simple reason that every one has different views on what a perfect game is. Yeah soo,it´s the perfect game,but with some things to improve ? Many people just sign up for the heck of it and don’t bother to play any of their matches. Many players signed up for this tournament, but unfortunately also many no-shows which was to be expected. I like Warsow alot and I enjoy to compete, so simple choice really. The weak and strong ammo’s also add an extra dimension to deathmatch, you now have more items to control and some guns are very weak with the weak ammo but rather strong with the strong ammo (riotgun for example).
Sometimes I’m lazy and I don’t feel like starting my every series of jumps with a circlejump, so I just press dash and start from there.Äash is also pretty useful for turning around once you hit the ground, you can also really surprise your opponent with this move, or by walljumping on a wall and go to the other side of the room. You can make the craziest moves some people can’t even imagine. It has CPMA’s style of bunnyhopping and strafejumping, combined with walljumps. Well what do you think about this new game WarSow and this Cup? I played PK professionally and won the MVP of the CPL World Tour, along with 9 out of 14 tournament wins. I simply enjoy many aspects of these fast paced dm games more than the slower based ones, like Quake 4 or UT. I have played FPS games for god knows how long, and the last few years I have layed an accent on fast paced ones, like CPMA, Painkiller and Warsow. My name is Sander Kaasjager, 21 years old, also known in the gaming scene as Vo0.
Well 1st of All tanks for the time to this i-view,now could u introduce your self to our readers,and talk a bit about your gaming History?